In Spain there are many entrepreneurship programs. Mostly will offer you launch a company if you have an idea but do not have money. They will tell you how to make money in a short time or they will try at least. this is the Silicon Valley’s model. The one million dolar idea of a young entrepreneur who becomes rich in a short time. But this is not the model that we are interested at Business Innovation. In a previous post we talked about the real meaning of the word entrepreneur and the implications of being an entrepreneur if you already have an enterprise.

Entrepreneurship Programs in Spain: the risks of being an outsider

You may think you can be an entrepreneur on your own. But obviously any entrepreneur or have the time, or have money. And if you start this adventure on your own, sure you’ll waste one of these two things. That is why you must take part of an entrepreneurship program. And especially if you are an entrepreneur model which we seek at Business Innovation. Explore new markets and changing business models is a very difficult task and the problems multiply. Becoming a global company if you are a local enterprise now, needs a method, and we have the best one at Business Innovation.

There are other entrepreneurship programs in Spain like this or this, but we are looking for a steady, sustainable growth, which is maintained over time.

Entrepreneurship Programs in Spain: why you need our Program

If your company has these features:

  1. Your company makes or sells an innovative product or service.
  2. Your team is ambitious and proactive.
  3. Your company’s annual turnover is more than € 0,5 million.
  4. Your potential global market is more than € 400 million

What we offer is a path to success based in the 24 steps of Bill Aulet. It is a discipline that takes you by the hand to the next level. You will see how your business grows and is established in markets that will report new and better benefits.

And with the Valencian Global or Go Global program, you will be in touch with the world’s best investors at the Boston entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Follow this link if you want to download the program.

Contact us for more information.