You may think Corporate Culture doesn’t matter. Things like the mission, vision and values of your company are details that don’t matter because the most important thing is your actual product or service. But bear in mind that the people who are developing these products or services have values, dreams and desires. You cannot ignore corporate culture in a community… and your company is a community in itself. Many companies fail because of precisely this, and there are many examples to show it. If you make an effort to create a sense of unity and teamwork, you will be able to weather the storm during tough times, but if you disregard these issues, your company could easily fade into a “no future company”.

You can assess your company with our method and you will find out if your corporate culture is in order, among many other things.

Diagnose your company

Corporate Culture: examples

  • Eventbrite

Eventbrite is a company that has developed a system for selling tickets online to events, and also enables the planning of meetings. It has overseen the sale of over $2 billion in tickets. Bicycles are parked by the front door of Eventbrite’s head office and whiteboards labelled with the catch-phrase  “Home to me is…”, this is set in such a way with the intention of unleashing the creativity of employees. This demonstrates that eventbrite is open to preserve and enhance the corporate culture. Not everything is pure and simple productivity.

  • IBM

The powerful company that was at the forefront of the IT market during the 90’s began its decline into failure when it started to focus too much on short-term results, by improving income statements and putting numbers ahead of the human factor. Core values were disregarded and forgotten: Respect for the individual, superlative customer service, and the pursuit of excellence in all tasks.

  • Kayak

In this company, the culture of excellence is nurtured so as to constantly improve productivity, and can be observed at all levels within the company; all the way from the point of recruitment to the ins and outs of day to day work. Meetings do not consist of more than three people because it results in lower productivity. Instead of causing stress amongst the workers, it created a culture of high degrees of responsibility.

What about you, have you got the right corporate culture in your company?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]